6th International Conference on Health Research
April 19-21, 2023
Olive Tree of Azeméis
You must send the completed submission form to the email sdib@essnortecvp.pt by January 27, 2023.
The Conference
The 6th International Conference on Health Research: Global Health Research and Collaboration Networks aims to prioritize research responses to rapid global changes, based on a set of political, social, cultural, educational and economic transformations that influence health. It also provides an opportunity for academics and professionals from different health areas to create bridges of knowledge and promote interest in research and developments in health care.
This conference will take place at the Escola Superior de Saúde Norte da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa, on April 19, 20 and 21, 2023. Evidence-based practice in the health field is extremely important for safe, adequate and scientifically valid care. All health processes and procedures must be properly contextualized, coherent and rigorous, so that they are valid and recognized by the scientific and global community.
The challenge is to build an innovative response in the areas of global health, health education, family and community health, responses to health/disease processes, health information systems and technologies, virtual reality and simulation. Following on from previous editions, we aim to promote excellent collaboration between academics and professionals from various health disciplines in the creation of research networks.
08 April 2021
09:30 | Opening Session
President of ESSNorteCVP, Henrique Pereira
President of the Municipality of Oliveira de Azeméis, to be confirmed
ESSNorteCVP UID Coordinator, Liliana Mota
10:00 | InovTalk 1 – Education & Research for Sustainability:
Higher education committed to the SDGs
Lecturer: Cristina Bernis, PhD, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain
Moderator: Manuela Ferreira, PhD, ESSNorteCVP, Portugal
10:30 | Panel 1 – The digital transformation of higher education: from teaching to research
Technology and skills development
Decision making in virtual environments – Miguel Padilha, Coordinating Professor, ESEP, Portugal
Research and distance learning
Moderator: Fernanda Príncipe, Coordinator Professor, ESSNorteCVP, Portugal
2:00 pm | Poster presentation and oral communications
4:00 pm | Closing
09 April 2021
10h00 | InovTalk 2 – InovTalk 4 – From Research to Entrepreneurship
Speaker: to be confirmed
Moderator: António Ferreira, Specialist Professor, ESSNorteCVP, Portugal
10:30 | Panel 2 – Research, Science, Health and Communication
Open Science Tools – to be confirmed, University of Minho
Science outreach – Teresa Barroso, PhD, Editor-in-Chief of Revista Referência, Portugal
Translation of Research into Society – Maria do Céu Barbieri, PhD, University of Huelva, Nursing Department, Spain
Moderator: Sónia Novais, PhD, ESSNorteCVP, Portugal
2:00 pm | Poster presentation and oral communications
4:00 pm | Closing

Scientific Sponsorship


Northern School of Health of the Portuguese Red Cross
Research and Development Unit
General Secretariat (ESSNorteCVP)
Sonia Peneda
Manuela Castro
Organizing Committee (ESSNorteCVP)
Liliana Mota
Fernanda Prince
Sonia Novais
Antonio Ferreira
Manuela Ferreira
Sonia Peneda
Manuela Castro
Scientific Committee
Ana Quesado (ESSNorteCVP)
Ana Torres (ESSNorteCVP)
Antonio Ferreira (ESSNorteCVP)
Fernanda Prince (ESSNorteCVP)
Henrique Pereira (ESSNorteCVP)
Isabel Oliveira (ESSNorteCVP)
Liliana Mota (ESSNorteCVP)
Manuela Ferreira (ESSNorteCVP)
Manuela Santos (ESSNorteCVP)
Maribel Carvalhais (ESSNorteCVP)
Ricardo Melo (ESSNorteCVP)
Sonia Novais (ESSNorteCVP)
Computer Science and Audiovisuals (ESSNorteCVP)
Marcio Almeida
Victor Silva
RSVP to the next event!